Sunday, November 16, 2014

Coring the Apple by Sarah E. Page

Sarah Page incorporates repetition and imagery into this Garden of Eden themed poem. It begins with worlds in italics, implying dialog, saying “Instead of the thorn, Hast thou found honey?”

This is a question the author wishes to someday ask Eve as well as “What she saw in the apple.” Sarah Page goes onto compare the apple to the decision Eve made to partake of the mortal experience. The core of the apple is symbolic of the future of the mortal experience, or humanity.
She contemplates, “Perhaps she sensed the hope nestled star-like in the core of the fruit”
Sarah Page relates back to the imagery of thorns and briars as Eve contemplates the possible future pains associated with the human experience. The imagery of the seeds in the core of the apple is related to the actual seed or posterity of Eve.
Sarah Page beautifully encapsulates the possible feelings of Eve in the Garden of Eden as she contemplates partaking of the forbidden fruit. In the LDS culture and theology, Eve is regarded as a woman of great knowledge and foresight. Partaking of the forbidden fruit was an act of great thought and consideration, not one of hast or physical desire. Sarah Page reflects on the fact that Eve must have considered the promises given concerning her seed. The promises and prophecies made to her must have conflicted greatly with the commandment given to not partake of the fruit. Sarah Page portrays this struggle of conscience as Eves decides whether having a posterity is worth the figurative thorns and briers spoken of in the poem. 

I have found myself contemplating this very question after reading this poem. “Instead of the thorn, Hast thou found honey?” I am sure she would say she has experienced many thorns, but was there honey along the way? This question seems to ask Eve, “Was it all worth it?” “Was your decision to bring pain into the world worth it?” “Is there enough sweet in the world to make the decision worthwhile?” As Eve looked at the fruit, she must have contemplated the decision was a huge risk and it would bring a lot of pain. Many of us students are going through similar decisions as we consider marriage or families. It truly would be interesting to know, as Sarah E Page puts it, “What she saw in me.”


  1. You took a very complex question and made it readable and relatable, thank you for that. I love your observation about asking if there was honey along the way. Sometimes I get too distracted by the thorns and don't give enough credit to or gratitude for the honey. Thanks for the reminder to look for that too.

  2. The way you reflected the poem in your post was great. The poem seemed to be a little hard to depict to me as I went and read it. I was intrigued to read the poem after reading over your post. The questions you listed of at the end of your post had me think more deeply. I really enjoyed how you ended your post with those questions. Thanks for the great post!

  3. This post is intriguing from a mormon perspective in looking deeper into Eve's conscious decision-making. As opposed to a lot of other religious view-points, Eve for us is three-dimensional character with a lot that remains to be considered and explored in thinking and writing about her as the mother of the human race.
