The best part was that Brother Miller was not expecting it at all, and he told me that he felt the same way, that we are the best of friends. He even made a joke about cleaning those bathrooms, which is an experience that can't be forgotten. So it was special to be able to share it with the person that was the inspiration behind my essay.
Then I emailed it to a non-member friend of mine from high school. She said she really enjoyed it because it was endearing and it was as if I was in the room talking to her as she was reading it. She didn't mention anything about the church or the Book of Mormon, but she said that she liked the theme of lasting friendship.
I also used twitter to share a link to my essay, with a couple of hashtags that also included #sharethegift, so that everyone using that hasthtag during the Christmas season could also take a look at it if they feel like it. I have no idea yet if anyone as taken a look at it yet as a result of this, but it definitely is available.
I like how you used the #sharethegift on twitter. I am going to jump on that Idea.