Elder Christofferson has given thirteen talks since being called to the Quorum of the Twelve apostles in 2008, and of those thirteen, eight present his main topics of the atonement and our personal responsibility to be the best we can. Born Again -April 2008, Moral Discipline -Oct 2009, Reflections on a Consecrated Life -Oct 2010, “As Many as I Love, I Rebuke and Chasten” -April 2011, The Doctrine of Christ -April 2012, Brethren, We Have Work to Do -Oct 2012, Redemption -April 2013, The Resurrection of Jesus Christ -April 2014. For my analysis I briefly reviewed through his previous talks while dissecting his most recent talk in Oct 2014 titled Free Forever, to Act for Themselves

He proceeded to share his main idea by quoting from William Shakespeares play “Life of King Henry the 5th”. He illustrates from this play that we all need to take personal responsibility. Going back to the history of his talks he emphasizes that the Atonement of Christ is their for our aide, but in other talks he stresses that it is only there if we repent and do what we need to on our end. By opening his talk with a spanish phrase then moving into examples from Shakespeare it created an ethos of his intelligence and intellect.
It was pretty cool how he showed his intelligence by speaking in spanish. He came to Argentina multiple times while I was there and every time he spoke it was really interesting. His diction to me is one of the things I am most impressed by.