Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Leadership in the time of Death

A0078 - Come Forth (Captain Moroni)

So I really struggled with this assignment.  All of my chapters in the Book of Mormon are war chapters, and it's kind of hard to draw similarities between war and sentimental, memorable situations.  So here it goes folks!

Example #1 paying attention to character
Alma 53:8-20.  The 2000 stripling warriors are described as young men who were raised well by their parents and who were strong in faith and it defending their family.

I likened this to Tori Fawson's post about how a creepy, old man said that their parents did a good job with their children.  They may be referencing physical attributes maybe.  But, I think we can all say the parents of the stripling warriors did a good job.

Alma 53:8-20 also describes the Nephites and the 2000 Stripling Warriors protecting and taking care of the Anti-Nephi-Lehis, or the inhabitants of Zarahemla.  These are people that could not have land of their own, take care of themselves or defend themselves on their own.

I saw similarities in both Jeremy Hardman's  post about helping and taking care of a woman who could not take care of herself, and Viridiana Balderas' post about her grandmother saving her from falling.

Example #2 paying attention to dialogue
Alma 46: 14-21 Moroni expresses his displeasure that the Kingmen will not rise up and fight against the enemy that is attacking them.  He also expresses displeasure in their pride and nobility and compels them to be better.  He uses very strong words.

I likened this to Darren Torrie's comments on Elder Bailey and how he is a good man, but a man that is not afraid to express his displeasure.  Like Captain Moroni, he had good and motivating intentions but his voice could get a little loud.

Example #3 paying attention to tone
Alma 48:7-19.  Captain Moroni is described with a tone of reverence.  He is one that could boost morale, one who prepares "the minds of the people to be faithful" and prepares them in all things for the future battle.

I thought the tone in Andrew Olson's post was very similar in how football coaches and Linkin Park were able to give powerful pre-game speeches to boost morale in a time of turmoil.

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job drawing examples from chapters where narration isn't super obvious, way to go! I like the example with the stripling warriors being young men who are raised strong in the faith. There are definitely personal connections we can make with that.
