Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Character Character Character, Ether's Way

My section of the Book of Mormon is from Ether 9 to Ether 15

Example #1: Character Building
Within my section there is a lot of character building around the main characters in the story, Ether and Coriantumr, while little else is said of other, less important people around them.

Example #2: Plot
In Ether 9:23-25, there is very little plot. It goes through about one hundred years of kings in two short verses, and tells nothing about what has happened in the kingdom during that time. This occurs several times within my section.

Example #3: Dialogue
On a very broad scale, there is almost no dialogue within the chapters of Ether 9 to 15.

Example #4: Imagery
In Ether 14: 1-2 there is very vivid imagery when describing the lack of trust between even family members. I like the phrase "Wherefore every man did cleave unto that which was his own, with his hands, and would not borrow, neither would he lend; and every man kept the hilt of his sword in his right hand, in the defense of his property and his own life and of his wives and children."

The account I read was from Amanda Nikky in her post Heartache and Near-Death Scares.

One of the main things I drew between the two pieces was that in all times there are pains and hardships, such as the struggle between the two Jaredite factions, or with Amanda and her mother, even though it doesn't explicitly state what occurred.

Another similarity that I saw between the two is the fear of being alone, in my section Ether goes into hiding and is completely alone without his family or friends. That is a different type of feeling alone than Amanda expresses when she says "anxiety of being alone and about my mom."

The last similarity I saw was the character building between the two. Amanda gives a specific trait about every person she encountered in her story, and the main people in my BoM section have very descriptive character traits.

1 comment:

  1. I like the connection you made between Amanda's fear of being alone, and Ether. Although it doesn't definitively state that Ether was scared, I'm sure he was or else he wouldn't have gone into hiding.
    I also think being scared applied to a lot of people's posts, like in Tree Trunk Trauma, when everyone thought the truck was going to blow up, and when Darren was fearful of what Elder Bailey would say.
