Sunday, February 8, 2015

Someone who cares

This morning I shared my writing with my husband. We were both pleasantly surprised because we had unexpected reactions. He first had explained how he had never seen me write like this before. He is used reading more of a technical and analytical writing style. He liked how it was story and how he could follow along. He said he could actually see the story happening because of my word choice. Since he is my husband he knows how I am when it comes to dieting and exercise. He said by reading my excerpt of my piece he could understand my thoughts more and see how I play out different situations in my mind. After he finished reading my piece he wanted to know if I was going to keep going with it. I was excited to hear that he liked it enough he wanted me to finish. We talked about how writing can be beneficial not only to authors but writers. Writing this personal essay has helped me to understand me own feelings and thoughts on things that matter most to me. I am glad I was able to share this writing with someone who cared about me because it made me understand that writing is a strong power than most people know.

1 comment:

  1. This is really cool. It's interesting how your perception of writing changes when you actually know the author. That's really awesome that your husband could give you feedback since he was already familiar with your story.
