Friday, September 26, 2014

Nephi's Psalm

1. Form Analyzed:

I examined the language of the passage, specifically the use of repetition, imagery and metaphor.

2. Passage Analyzed:

I focused primarily on the tone and style of part of Nephi’s Psalm (2 Nephi 4:28-33) within my assigned section of 2 Nephi 1-8.

3. Annotated Text:

4. Breakdown/Listing of things found:

Nephi repeats the phrases “Rejoice, O my heart”, “O Lord”, and “wilt thou” many times in his address to God in this passage. He also uses descriptive imagery, such as when he calls for his soul to stop “droop[ing] in sin.” The text contains many metaphors pertaining to righteousness. God is described as the “rock of [his] salvation” and the righteous living is compared to the “path of the low valley.”

5. Interpretation:

Nephi’s repetition of “wilt thou” emphasizes the pleading nature of his communication with God. He is reaffirming his role as a suppliant. He continually stresses the exalted position of God by repeating “O Lord” before every petition. This also helps give a clear structure to the passage. The repetition of other words and phrases underscores their importance. Nephi uses imagery to more fully convey to the reader the strict righteousness he aspires too. He wants to physically “shake” when exposed to sin. The metaphorical language of the text allows righteousness to be conceptualized repeatedly in differing ways.

6. Connections/Questions:

I wonder if other figures of the Book of Mormon use repetition to the same extent as Nephi when talking to God? In her post, Lizzy questioned whether personal pronouns were incorporated in the text for future readers. Similarly, I question whether Nephi’s liberal use of metaphor was meant for the instruction of future readers or simply as a poetic way to express the feelings of his heart.


  1. Seeing the repetition that Nephi uses and the repetition that Isaiah uses in his words shows to me a pattern or theme in prophet's words. Repetition is a literary device that is very commonly used amongst all prophets because it imprints the message in our minds, as we forget very quickly. Repetition is a common thread through all prophets' words throughout history.

  2. Literary devices such as metaphors and imagery can open new understand to a serious reader of the book of mormon. It allows the scriptures to have layers, similar to Shakespeare, it requires interpretation to realize the true meaning.

  3. It's noteworthy that although Nephi is being rather hard on himself in this passage, that the words he chooses to repeat are incredibly positive. Their is a redeeming message accentuated amid the groaning he feels because of his sins.
