Saturday, January 10, 2015

The Things of My Soul

     "And upon these I write the things of my soul." I read the words beautifully engraved upon the small blue journal as I stood in the bookstore, carefully holding it in both my hands. I knew right then that this was the journal I would take back home and do just as the words read: write the things of my soul.
     I began my first diary at the age of nine and ever since then I have kept one. It was three years ago that I found the perfect journal that put into words my exact feelings on journal writing. It is upon my journals and only there, that I, without holding back, pour out the things of my heart. My fears, my dreams and hopes, my anxieties, my accomplishments, my failures, the things I'm ashamed of, the people I love, the people I've hurt and those who've hurt me, crushes and boys, new life and death as well, my joys, my pains, all these things I write. But above all else, I write the things of God: my love for Him and my Savior, my testimony of the gospel and how much I delight in the scriptures.
    And when I go back and read my words, they are a comfort, for every now and then, I find messages of encouragement, words of forgiveness and strength that I purposefully wrote to myself so that when I went back to read my past I could keep my faith and do better in the present.
    My journals, the words of my heart and soul, are precious and of great worth to me. They are the legacy that I wish to inherit to my children and grandchildren in hopes that they may find within their pages comfort, wisdom, and the love of God.


  1. I loved the scripture you tied into journal writing. There's so many things vying for our time, it doesn't always seems so important, but many blessings can come out of it. I thought it was really interesting that you said you find comfort when you reread things in your journal. You described the experience many people have when reading the scriptures.

    I've always thought that I never wanted anyone to read my journals. They're just for me! But maybe mine can bring comfort to someone else someday.

  2. I love what you said about journaling. This really makes me want to be better about doing it myself! The only time I have been really consistent with keeping a journal was while I was on my mission. It has been such a blessing to be able to read and reread the things I wrote. I love that you said that your journals are "precious and of great worth," just like the scriptures are. Journals can help us receive personal revelation as we write ideas and then read them again.
