Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Golden Corral

You know the kind. The ones that don't speak up and don't get in anyone's way. Often misinterpreted as shy, the humble individual avoids talking of themselves. Engaging conversations are hard to find when all they want to do is talk about you and your accomplishments. How rude of them to put me on a pedestal. Just their presence in a conversation can make you feel like a boasting baboon. They might know the answer to the questions, but they let others have the opportunity to receive recognition. The humble person is also very boring with his/her wealth. They choose retirement and the Golden Corral over jet skies and sushi night.

I know one of these people. You know, the humble kind. We will call him Gerald. He was always happy and brightened everyone's day with his presence. He never argued with family, friend, or foe. Never had foes anyway. He enjoyed his modest home that he had lived in for thirty years. The man never complained and seemed more content than his neighbor with the Mastercraft. Happily married with twenty-three grandchildren and counting, the guy seemed to have it all except for a few things: Pride, sushi nights, and a jet ski.

1 comment:

  1. Haha my grandpa loves Golden Corral, and I can see exactly what you mean now! Every time I go there (so, every few years when my grandpa takes me) I see lots of humble grandparents with their grandchildren that they are soon proud of. Come on, grandparents, live a little! There's more to life than endless buffets of mediocre food.
