Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Big Trouble

Example #1
In Alma 38:8 an aging father tells his son of a pivotal moment that changed his life. This event
shaped his life and changed how he lived.

Example #2
In Alma 39:3 a father speaks harsh words to his son when he discovers that he has explicitly disobeyed instructions and made poor choices. The father is particularly upset about his son's choice to be intimate with a harlot.

Example #3
In Alma 43:4, the narrator begins his description of a conflict between two tribal like groups. He describes the leaders and moral state of each side.

Example #4
A heated dialogue between to captains of armies begins in Alma 44:1. There is a disagreement and the argument turns violent when one of them charges the other with a sword.

Reviewing Other's Posts
In Clark Nielsons Post entitled "Baggy Old, Ragged Jeans" he wrote a section about people of consequence. In this part of his post, he talked about an experience with his boss that is related to my description of a father expressing his disappointment in his son. Although Clark was not the son of his boss, the father and the boss both express their extreme dissatisfaction.


  1. Example 2 that you mentioned could be a genuine experience that is very relate-able. The feelings of letting a parent down and their reactions often bring out alot of emotion as we see in that chapter of the Book of Mormon

  2. Thanks for the insight! My boss always had a reason for his passionate outbursts, but it often seemed it was an overreaction. Of course, Corianton could have treated his father's reaction as an overreaction and just ignored it, but then he never would have changed. Incorporating that insight could be an intriguing option.
