Saturday, September 20, 2014

Learning Through Writing

I have found that artists and writers do what they do because they love it. The best artists are those who work because it brings them joy not riches. I have noticed that in performing a work of art or creating a piece of literature that I have grown far more than the audience ever could. Often, critics judge art on certain criteria and determine if it is reputable or not, but in my mind the most amazing thing about art is that if it touched the creator’s heart and helped them grow then it is priceless.

Orison F. Whitney, in his talk Home Literature, said “You must feel what you write, if you wish it to be felt by others”. I believe that this is where Nephi Anderson flourished while writing Added Upon. From a critic’s point of view, the book had its short comings; however, it did accomplish what Orison Whitney instructed. It is evident that Nephi felt the spirit while writing this book and it is easy to assume that through the process, he felt and learned more about himself and his eternal progression than his readers ever could.

 I felt the spirit while reading this book. It opened up my mind to the bigger picture of the plan of salvation and helped me perceive and understand things that I didn't before. However, it is safe to assume that Nephi gained more from writing it than I did from reading it. I can’t help but think of what Nephi learned from the spirit while writing this book. He felt so strongly about the plan of salvation that, through reading, I too was able to share those feelings and learn. That is what makes this book a success! Both the author and the reader were edified through the spirit. 


  1. For all the book's critical bashing, the fact that you felt the spirit from it is what matters most. I'm sure Nephi Anderson would be happy to read this, knowing his book accomplished perhaps his biggest goal: to help others gain a stronger testimony of this glorious Plan of Salvation.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly. This book helped me to gain a more eternal perspective, and to FEEL the plan of salvation becoming more real to me as well.
