Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I Believe in Second Chances

Jenny Proctor, LDS author, recently published her second novel “Mountains Between Us,” a charming story focusing on relationships and second chances. Eliza, an unmarried LDS woman, moves out to North Carolina in an effort to find a new start to her life. She begins working at a rehabilitation center for struggling teens. Here she meets many interesting people that are also working towards second chances, whether consciously or not. One of her co-workers is Henry Jacobson, who is a divorced LDS father. Over time, Eliza and Henry become friends of circumstance regardless, or perhaps because of, their various family issues.
Through these characters, readers can ponder many aspects of various relationships between man and woman, man and God, and parent and child, to name only a few. Many interesting questions arise from the interactions among the characters, such as what is the best way to handle a rocky relationship between siblings or between a parent and child? Or when do we know it’s time to forgive and move on, if ever?

“Mountains Between Us” is heavily based on Latter Day Saint theology and as such is targeted at a LDS audience. As one who is a member of the LDS faith, I found the little stories of conversion to the Church entertaining and amusing. However, as the novel contains a lot of Mormon information, I would suggest to non-members that meeting with Mormon missionaries would greatly benefit your understanding  and opinion of the novel. Overall, “Mountains Between Us” is a very positive and uplifting novel, focusing on finding the silver lining in every situation and recognizing that there will be a second chance for everybody. Whether in this life or the next, it’ll all work out eventually.


  1. I like how you focus on the second chances this novel emphasizes. Sometimes when life gets hard we forget that through the atonement second chances are possible.

  2. I think your post is the best example I've read so far of a review than non-LDS audiences could read. I like that you mentioned specific questions the novel attempts to answer--what a great way to hook an audience! I also admired your missionary plug, even if it may not be universally appreciated.
