Homer, Virgil, Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare,
Milton, Voltaire, Austen, Hugo, Dickens, the Bronte sisters, Twain, Orwell, Wild,
Faulkner, Hemingway, Steinbeck—all are authors of great literature. They are explorers
of human emotions (passion, love, fear, hate), of mans’ freedom of will, of
sin, of righteousness, of deliverance, of identity, of reason, of insanity—of the
human experience. What can be more transcending, more religious than the
exploration of these things, the things that make up life? This is what is
religious about literature—the examination of life and the transcendent and elevated
place our minds can reach through the truths discovered in this examination.
If literature can be religious, it would
make sense to suppose that religion can not only help us see how literature is
religious, but encourage the idea that literature—good literature—is religious.
Mormonism, in my own opinion, does in fact do this. As a Mormon myself, I think
I can say that Mormonism not only aids us in seeing that religious dimension to
literature, but actually encourages us to be enlightened, influenced for good,
and elevated to higher places by wholesome literature.
Our scriptures state, “Seek ye out of the
best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.”[2] Wherever
we can find truth and wisdom, God encourages us to seek after it. Our leaders
of the church have also made it clear to us that “In the kingdom of God, the
search for truth is appreciated, encouraged, and in no way repressed or feared,”
and that “Church members are strongly counseled by the Lord himself to seek
knowledge.”[3] With these encouragements
then, I believe that Mormonism does indeed allow us to see a religious aspect
to literature, and for that I’m grateful because literature is truly wonderful,
inspiring, elevating, and religious through its ability to transcend and lift us
to higher places by exploring life, the human experience, and all that goes
with it. It imparts wisdom and truths to our minds, and for that it’s great and
worthwhile of our time. 2.. Doctrine and Covenants 88:118
3. Elder Marcos A. Aidukaitus. “If Ye Lack Wisdom.” April 2014 General Conference.